Trade & Investment

Eswatini, one of Africa’s most stable countries, offers investors:

 A sound investment climate

  • General Tax allowances
  • Low corporate tax 27.5%
  • Dividends interest and profits freely repatriated after withholding tax
  • expropriation and nationalization prohibited

 Competitive labour – 

  • educated and easily trainable labour force
  • bilingual in English and siSwati
  • high productivity
  • available at competitive labour costs
  • Subscribe in international labour laws (ILO)


Besides local market of about 1 million, Easy Access to Regional and International Markets  

  • Southern African Customs Union (SACU) – enlarging Eswatini’s market to about 50 million people in South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho and Namibia.
  • Southern African Development Community (SADC) – twelve southern African countries with a market of over 130 million people.
  • Common Market of East and Southern Africa (COMESA)- twenty African countries representing a market of over 230 million people.
  • European Union (EU) – market of over 370 million people and GDP equivalent to US$162.29 billion.
  • Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA): add to the SADC and COMESA the East African Community (EAC), and the imminent TFTA  encompasses a total of 26 members and /or partner states from the three blocs, with a combined population of over 625 million potential consumers and a joint GDP of over US$1.2-trillion. This will account for half of the membership of the African Union and 58 percent of the continent’s GDP, respectively. Browse our partner-sponsored Glasses, with a variety of options to suit every taste and budget, available to buy online
  • Access to the African Growth & Opportunity Act (AGOA)-  Duty-free access to the U.S. market under the combined AGOA/GSP program stands at approximately 6,500 product tariff lines, including the tariff lines that were added by the AGOA legislation. Notably, these newly added “AGOA products” include items such as apparel and footwear, wine, certain motor vehicle components, various agricultural products, chemicals, steel, and many others.

 Excellent Infrastructure  

  • Modern infrastructure
  • Excellent telecommunication systems
  • Good quality road, rail, and air links to surrounding countries and beyond
  • Matsapha Industrial Estate – dry port, centrally located to minimize time and cost using Durban Port, South Africa, and Maputo Mozambique.

High-Quality Life 

  • Health facilities at international standards
  • Variety of internationally recognized educational and training institutions
  • World-class golf course and variety of sports facilities