Ambassador of Eswatini

African Day Celebration.

The Embassy participated in the African Day Celebrations celebrated on 30th October, 2018 held at the Crown Plaza Hotel. This is an annual event celebrated by the African Diplomatic Missions accredited to the State of Kuwait.

Various African embassies in Kuwait organized a joint celebration in honour of Africa Day, held at the Crown Plaza Hotel, Kuwait. Director of African Desk at Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hamad AI-Meshan emphasized Kuwait’s interest in the African continent due to its vast natural resources  and geographically strategic location. He stressed that Africa can be considered as a bridge between the East and West, therefore the State of Kuwait will continue to strengthen its relations with African countries in various commercial and investment aspects.

Africa Day is observed annually on May 25 as a celebration of African unity and is also known as African Freedom or Liberation Day. On May 25, 1963, African leaders decided to come together to form a union called Organization of African Unity (OAU). The 53 member strong African Union, since its creation has encouraged the collective pursuit towards favourably answers for many challenges the continent has faced, such as armed conflicts, climate and poverty to help the progress of the African continent.

In relation to the exhibition stand of the Kingdom of Eswatini, there was huge enthusiasm that was shown by participants in this event. Active participation by the members of the Embassy Diplomats and their families, the Embassy was able to hoist the Nations Flag high.

The Embassy engaged individuals interested in trade and commerce. Through this networking opportunity, we were able to showcase the various investment opportunities that the Kingdom of Eswatini offers to the global investor community as well as to position Eswatini as an excellent business, investment and tourism destination.